Damodar Rao K. retired as Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Kakatiya University, Warangal. He published several co-edited and translated anthologies including Pride of Place: Selections from Telugu Poetry 1981-2000 (2011), Telangana Harvest: Telugu Short Fiction 1912-2011 (2017), A Green Garland: An Anthology of Ecopoetry (2018), and Astitva: Telugu Short Fiction from Telangana (2019). On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Sahitya Akademi’s bi-monthly, Indian Literature, he won a prize for translation in a national contest. His critical studies include: Indian English Fiction and Multiculturalism (2018), Bhakti Movement and Literature: Re-forming a Tradition (2016), and Postcolonial Indian English Fiction: Decentering the Nation (2016).
Year: 2020