Amritjit Singh
Amritjit Singh, Langston Hughes Professor of English at Ohio University, is currently a Fulbright-Nehru Professor of English at the University of Delhi. He served as Academic Associate at ASRC Hyderabad (1974–1977), and taught at the University of Hyderabad (1977–78), and the University of Rajasthan (1978–1983). His publications include The Novels of the Harlem Renaissance (1976); India: An Anthology of Contemporary Writing (1983); Conversations with Ralph Ellison (1995); Postcolonial Theory and the United States (2000); and The Circle of Illusion: Poems by Gurcharan Rampuri (2011). He received the MELUS Lifetime Achievement Award (2007) and the SALA Distinguished Achievement Award in Scholarship (2014).
Year: 2014-15